A letter to the Supreme Court of Nepal: Support Action against Corruption

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I will hand this letter (in Nepali) with “your name” at the bottom, to the Supreme Court Chief Justice himself, if 1000 people attend this “online Facebook event”. Please invite friends who may want to be listed in the letter, by using “Share this event” link below. Thank you and A Happy New Year. (Read the letter below)

Dear Mr. Shrestha , Mr. Regmi and fellow Supreme Court Justices of Nepal,

Over the last few months, I have been following, through the media coverage, news about your struggle against corruption and the decisions that you have undertaken against corrupt public office holders.

I would like you to know that I am amongst thousands of Nepali who are fully supportive of your efforts. The actions that you have begun is an extremely important one, and I would like to extend my support to you.

You are an inspiration for the youth of this country and my prayers are with you.

I hope and pray that your struggle, which is infinitely important, and affects each and every one of us, will get an even greater support in the near future.

Jai Nepal!

Yours sincerely,

……… …………
(your name will go here along with thousands)

The original letter in Nepali

सम्माननीय प्रधानन्यायाधीश श्रेष्ठ, न्यायाधीश रेग्मी र सर्वोच्च अदालतका न्यायाधीशहरु,

केही महिना अगाडिदेखि मैले बिभिन्न समाचार माध्यमबाट तपाईंहरुले गर्नु भएका भ्रष्टाचार सम्बन्धी महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दाका फैसलाहरुका बारेमा हेर्दै, पढ्दै आएको छु ।

म तपाईंहरुलाई अवगत गर्न चाहन्छु कि म र अन्य हजारौँ नेपालीहरु पूर्ण रुपमा तपाईंहरुको साथमा छौँ । तपाईंहरुले लिनु भएको साहसिक कदमहरु एकदमै महत्वपूर्ण छ । यसमा म आफ्नो समर्थन पूर्णरुपमा तपाईंहरुलाई दिन चाहन्छु ।

तपाईंहरु यो देशका युवाका लागि प्रेरणादायी हुनुहुन्छ र मेरो प्रार्थना तपाईंहरुकै साथमा छ ।

म आशा गर्दछु कि आउदाँ दिनहरुमा तपाईंको यो अति नै महत्वपूर्ण सङ्घर्ष , जसले हामी हरेक नेपालीलाई असर गर्दछ, यसले सम्पूर्ण नेपालीबाट अझ ठुलो समर्थन पाउनेछ ।

जय नेपाल !

——– ———–
तपाईंको नाम हुन्छ यहाँ, साथै हजारौँ नेपालीहरु पनि)

यस अभियानमा सम्मिलित हुन, यहाँ लिंकमा जानुहोस
To participate, please join the event here

2 thoughts on “A letter to the Supreme Court of Nepal: Support Action against Corruption

  1. u0927u0928u094du092fu0935u093eu0926 u0924u092au093eu0908u0901u0932u093eu0908 u092au0928u093f u0938u093eu0925 u0926u093fu0928u0941 u092du090fu0915u094bu092eu093e ! u092eu093fu0932u0947u0930 u0906u0901u091fu092eu0932u093e u0920u0941u0932u0948 ! u0905u0939u093fu0932u0947 u0928u0917u0930u0947 u0915u0939u093fu0932u0947n?nnn2011/4/13 Disqus

  2. u0924u092au093eu0908u0902u0939u0930u0941 u092fu094b u0926u0947u0936u0915u093e u092fu0941u0935u093eu0915u093e u0932u093eu0917u093f u092au094du0930u0947u0930u0923u093eu0926u093eu092fu0940 u0939u0941u0928u0941u0939u0941u0928u094du091b u0930 u092eu0947u0930u094b u092au094du0930u093eu0930u094du0925u0928u093e u0924u092au093eu0908u0902u0939u0930u0941u0915u0948 u0938u093eu0925u092eu093e u091b u0964nu092e u092au0928u093f u0938u093eu0925u092eu0948 u091bu0941 u0939u0948 u092eu093fu0924u094du0930 u0939u0930u0941 !nu0924u0930??? u092au0920u094du0928u0941 u092au0930u094du092fu094b u0928u093f u092eu0941u0916u094du0916u0947 u0915u0941u0930u094b, u0920u0942u0932u093e u0920u093eu0932u0942 u0932u093eu0908 u0939u093eu092eu0940 u091cu0938u094du0924u093eu0932u0947 u0932u0947u0916u0947u0915u094b u092au0921u093cu0928u0947 u092bu0941u0930u094du0938u0926 u0928u0948 u091bu0948u0928u093e u0939u094bu0932u093e !nn

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