म पनि तपाँई जस्तै एक सचेत नेपाली हुँ

प्रश्न : हैन, तपाँईले यो के गरि राखनु भा भन्या ?

उत्तर: हेर्नुहोस म पनि तपाईँ जस्तै एक सचेत नेपाली हुँ। यो मेरो देश हो र यसको भविष्य उज्वल बनाउने जिम्मेवारी पनि मेरै हो !

हामी साधारण नेपालीको खल्तीबाट ३६ महिना देखि ज्याला लगिसके तर हामीलाई संबिधान दिएको खोई त  ??? ” यसको जवाफ चाहियो हामी नेपालीलाई !हामी साधारण नेपालीहरु जब एक जुट हुन्छौँ तब मात्र सुन्छन् उनीहरुले। तब-मात्र  यी राजनितिक नेत्रित्वलाई जनताप्रति गंभिर बनाउन सक्छौँ !

तपाँई पनि हामी जस्तै हुनाले आउनुहोस् । सँगै मिलेर हामी हाम्रो संबिधान मागौँ । सम्पन्न नेपालमा शान्ति साथ बस्ने हाम्रो जन्मजात अधिकार अहिले नमागे कहिले? अनि तपाईँ हामी  नै नलागे अनि को लाग्ने त ?

आउनुहोस परिवर्तनको लागि हामी नेपाली एक हौँ ।

धन्यवाद !

( तपाँई )

(मोबाईलमा २४२६ मा  nepal एस एम एस गर्नुहोस, आगामी कार्यक्रमको खबर पाउँनुहोस )

आउनुहोस् facebook.com/nepalunites



Feel the rage of the Nepali youths…

Listen to this song about the constitution by a Nepali rapper.

Share it if you liked this song.. Rage is building up. It is our responsibility to channel this positively. lyrics here.


छैन यहाँ नेताको स्वाभिमान

बनाउन सकेन ६०१ ले संबिधान

सभासदको स्थानमा बसेर

पासपोर्ट नै साट्छन् लाज पचाएर

अब उठ्नु छ जनता को पालो हो यो

हात हात मिलाई देश नै बन्ने हो

म कुनै पार्टीको होईन

म एउटा साधारण मान्छे

देशलाई माया गर्ने मान्छे

देश आज रोई रहयो

संबिधान नै छैन

समस्या त कति होलान सोधेर साद्धै छैन

हल गर्नु छ अब

रोक्नु छ अब

देशलाई बचाउनु छ अब

युवाहरु सबै मिली देशलाई शान्त बनाँउनुछ

हेर उता गयो उता नै झगडा

उस्ले उस्लाई भन्यो बिचारा

सुचना अब गर्नु छ भगवानलाई

दया गर मेरो नेपाललाई

पठाइदेऊ कोहि देश बचाउनलाई

यहाँ राजनितिको नाममा युद्ध चलाई

नेपाल बन्द गर्छन फेरि लाज पचाई

कस्लाई हानी हुने हो देशैलाई

नेतामा थुक्छु तेरो सोचाईलाई

नया शुरुवात गर फेरि पुरानो भुलाई

दोष दिने हो कस्ले यहाँ कस्लाई

अझ किन आउँदै छ हामी तिर युद्ध

ग्यान दिन रिसाउला है हाम्रो गौतम बुद्ध

शान्तिको प्रतिक ! नेता

Continue reading Feel the rage of the Nepali youths…

Are we what we were shaped to be early on?

Article published in myrepublica 6/18/2011

Twenty years ago, our mentors – our teachers, parents, uncles and aunts, grandparents, and even prominent radio and TV personalities – started giving us career guidance from an early age.

They told us, explicitly or implicitly, what they expected from each of us. They had analyzed, to the best of their ability, what was going wrong in Nepal at that time, and tried to make us look into solutions to the problems they were facing then. Fair enough.

That is why almost all of them told us to become professionals – engineers, teachers, bankers, managers, accountants etc – or medical doctors or scientists.

If you are a middle-aged Nepali, you might have heard something similar. Every Dashain, while offering tika, our elders blessed us thus: “Bujhyau, you better become a doctor or engineer (professional) hai, otherwise a scientist bhaye pani hunchha!”

They would frown upon some of our own exciting ideas of making a career in sports, poetry, journalism, or even acting. Equally no-no was a career in politics or in the government (public service). Even the army or police was out of the question for the

Continue reading Are we what we were shaped to be early on?

First they came for


First they came for the Himalis,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Himali.

Then they came for the Pahadis,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Pahadi.

Then they came for the Madhesis,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Madhesi.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.


adapted from the famous German phrase