- “Guru Nation, Nepal”
- तयार छौँ? नेपाल विश्वको केन्द्रविन्दुमा पर्दैछ।
- २१औँ शताव्दीमा लोकतन्त्र कुन धारमा टिक्ला?
- How do we build a peaceful, prosperous democratic Nepal (within our lifetime)?
- शान्त र समृद्ध राष्ट्रका आधार के हो २१औँ शताब्दी?
- कस्तो सिद्धान्तले २१ औं शताब्दीमा संमृद्ध नेपाल बनाउने शक्ति हाँक्नेछ?
- “यस्तै हो, के गर्ने” बाट >>> “अहिले नगरे कहिले, हामीले नगरे कस्ले”
- We are inches from success in Nepal!
- Responsible Citizens + Accountable Leaders = Prosperous Nation
- Nepal is beautiful. It doesn’t need to change. We do.
- देश भक्ति के होला ?
- “All this learning means nothing until you make something happen.” tips from a entrepreneur.
- what if, a million job creation was the election mantra of a new common sense party in Nepal
- Dokkodo, the art of living as a warrior
- Under promise – over deliver
- Swedish IT social entrepreneur in Nepal, Bjőrn Sőderberg
- This 3 day Nepal bandh (total shutdown of country). This is blackmail.
- The business cost of avoiding confrontation
- 5 Whys
- wanted to share an article ” how to build startups that matter”
- entrepreneur is a zen master in nepal ?
- new workplace.
- what is your average productivity per week ?
- off to understand the ground reality
- stability and people
- Why are all nepali travel sites in english only?
- Damn good read.
- Why take risk?